Sunday, October 19, 2008

To and From Windsor

Long overdue, but better late than never.

Part 1 of the Windsor Castle trip. This is pretty much what happened before I went into the castle, and after I left the castle. Not much of the castle here yet. Next post. Here we go.

We start with a bus stop. Taking the bus in the morning is really nice. It's nice in quiet in the morning. Saturday morning.

It's that park again!

Ooh, random Bridal shop in Fratton. If I'm correct, Fratton is a town that is within the city of Portsmouth. Still confused with the cities and towns here.

We had to wait for the coaches to take us to Windsor, here at Guildhall Square. That was when I decided to claim it. Miiiiiine! Muahaha.

This is the big screen I was talking about earlier.

On the coach. In front of me are handlebars. It's because coaches here travel like speeding bullets that sometimes you have to hold on.
.. just kidding.

Mail comes with this. :)

I see this HGV sign on the way. No idea what an HGV is.

Another little body of water. The tide is just.. never around. What a mean tide. I'm thinking this is Portsmouth Harbour.

And more pictures taken along the motorway...

Halls Vitamin C Candy. Thank you, Eraq. :)


Tree!! Grr, trees always want to get in the way..

Trees.. always.. get in the way.. Seriously, I wanted to take a pic of that dead tree....

Okay, a little better.. but the other trees...

Annnd we've made it to the parking lot -------- I mean car park. It's the Windsor Wheel!

There's Eraq to the left of me, and in the back that's Thomas who wasn't supposed to be looking! Oh well, they are both friends of mine. :)

Yes, I took pics in the bathroom..... But it's a nice bathroom!

On the way to the castle. Look look ahead loooooooook.

OKAY. So we spent hours at the Windsor castle and then we left.

I found a coaster with my name on it.

We got a chance to sit after walking around for ages. Elaine had a smoke(she sat two benches away so it was okay, lol)

And I drink my Coke, hahaha.

Elaine and I. Yay travel buddies!!

Oh, and a coaster for Liz! I didn't buy any though.

The sky is quite ominous, eh?

A fake queen imposterized the throne.

I think I was trying to take a pic of the feisty pigeons. Lol, pigeons pigeons. You don't realize it, but they're going to take over the world...

I think this is the front of Windsor Station. But there are shops inside of it.

I'm cool.


It had to be done.

It's the engine of the train... yeah I didn't read the little history about it. :(

And before we went back to the coach, we found the little path toward the Windsor Wheel.

I didn't dare buy anything at that stand. Haha.

McFly fans might appreciate the next one or two.

I have a feeling it worked like a sundial, but with our shadows. Though there was hardly any sun out that time we were there. =/

Quick pic of the park before rushing back to the coach.

I just like the architecture. It's not even part of the castle lol. This was taken a block away from the castle.

Just took this because this song was in my head:
Chim-chiminey, chim-chiminey, chim chim cherrieee...