Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Boxing Day Experience Because We Don't Have Boxing Day in the U.S.

I understand this holiday to be "The Day After Christmas National Holiday!!" And a day to have big sales. Kind of like Black Friday.

Since I started out the last two entries with food. lol, these were our appetizers at lunch at Tootsies.

Anais: Nachos

Gary: Tomato Soup. Fiona: Caesar Salad.

Boon, Rachel, and I: Hot Wings. Because we're original.

Going back to earlier in the day. The next two were taken in the James Watson lift.

Oh, I am so easily amused.


~Insert shopping, lots of shopping.~ We shopped at Commercial Road, including here at Woolie's:

Woolie's aka Woolworth's. Closing. :( It was worth the B&W picture.

And then we all saw this beauty:
Byootippul Sunset.

Pretty pretty.

A Christmasy Spinnaker Tower.



Fiona and Anais are happy to be in the movies for the first time! Especially Anais, since she loves Twilight!

Regular Coke. lol it's humongous. Is that how big it is in the U.S.? I forgot!

And we end with this. We took a pic of it after walking from Roast Bar, a Chinese place with okay-tasting Chinese food. =) I don't know how to react to this.

P.S. a lot of the pics in the Christmas-related entries were taken by Fiona or Rachel. Thank you to those two for letting me post their pics! :D

Christmas Day!

Aside from waking up to noisy seagulls and birds and stuff, I woke up to this!!

The sun is in the sky and it is gonna be a glorious day!!
Too bad I woke up at noon and the sun usually sets before 5pm.

This is Park Building at night, where the language classes are held. It looks like something coming out of Wicked, huh?

Good pasta.

Christmas log. Really nice.

Malaysian noodles!

Choko latesss.


Then pictures of the Christmas dinner!

It was nice and peaceful and just a small friend gathering. This was the group of friends I knew more(well actually, the only group of Malaysian friends I knew hahaha.

A warm, loving, happy family.

Not to mention wacky and crazy and insane.

Then a couple more group photos

I missed my family a lot these past couple of days. But I'm glad I was able to spend it with friends. <3

Have yourself a very Malaysian Christmas... Christmas Eve!

My Christmas Eve was spent in James Watson Hall, which is one of the halls right in the city centre. I arrived just as they were readying the food.

Yumm tuna and cucumber sandwiches.

Anais mixing the tuna, Fiona jumping into the photo at the last minute.

Fried noodles!

Cooked by Rachel! Yayy Rachel. :)

This looks like a superhero pic. The almighty slice of bread preparing to meet its end.. with tuna.

Mostly Anais's work. I helped a bit.

Ray showed up and asked me if I wanted a triangle or square. I said a house. As you can see, he added a floor LOL.


Apparently Malaysians really like this, lol.

Finished Malaysian fried noodles yay.

Sweets from the German Christmas Market. Oh they were so good, shame I didn't get a bag of my own!

Christmas Tree!


LOL. I love how the English make warnings for every mundane thing.


Anais and I are happy.

Then the turkey arrived!!

We are all happy.

But not when we found out the pizza was burnt.

Lalala. :)

Because what is a party without a santa claus jigsaw puzzle?!

They look like sisters yes? They are not. :) The girl on the left is Charlotte, Ray's fiance. :)

There they are together, the happy couple. :D I took a pic of him before he could take one of me! Ha!


It's funny when I'm caught barely aware. xD

Lots of cool group shots.

And then me with the big eyes. O_O That is me.

When I distributed the Christmas crackers. YES everyone loved them. fdlsafjk. :D

Toast to Christmas!

This next part is dedicated to Fiyero, my blue blue guitar. Because he was a good picture poser lmfao.

Fiona requested a pic with me and her on the reflection. Obviously I failed.

But her nails worked instead. Match made in heaven?

Everyone liked to pose with it, even this guy:


Then Ray was trying to play. I tried to teach him the little that I knew.

Don't ask why I'm hugging my guitar. We're all friends!!!

Okay truth, people were making me scared so I went to a corner and hugged my guitar.

Hi Boon!

We're gonna start a band.

And then busk around Portsmouth.

la lala la la la..

The end of Christmas Eve! The party didn't end till past 3am. But this pic was taken about 2 hours earlier.

From Fiona's window. Crazy, right? Taxis queue up on the corner of this block. It's because the street next door is lined up with bars and clubs. Proper nightlife.