Monday, May 4, 2009

30/04/09 -- The Queen visits Portsmouth

Queen Elizabeth visits Portsmouth in honor of the 65th Anniversary of D-Day during WWII.
This was around noon, I didn't have lectures until 2pm. :)

But this was also the morning after a night with McFly. I didn't get up 'til 10, a friend texted me about HRH coming to Pompey, so I got ready as fast as I could and hopped on the next bus to town. xD

The majority of the crowd was gone by the time I arrived. The bells of Guildhall's clocktower had run and the Queen already went inside.

It was also pouring down when I arrived. Those police officers were smiling at chuckling looking in my direction. I wondered why. Then I realized, oh, I'm all wet..

This is the Queen's car backing up towards the entrance

The band. :) And so much red, it's so pretty. Does it always look like this? I answer that with a laugh.

It seems like most English don't care about the Queen. But anyway, here's a nice shot of a really cool pub. :)

People start to trickle out..

Followed by Queen Elizabeth II!!


Thanks to Fiona once again for letting me borrow her camera!! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

29/04/09 -- McFly with special guest David Archuleta

The following pictures were taken by me, though through a camera borrowed from Miss Fiona Gan(THANK YOU FIONA!! :D)

I didn't really know how to work the camera, so these were the outcome, but what matters to me most is that I was there, I lived the moment and enjoyed it.
(That is my excuse anyway)
The pics aren't that bad, but eh. Enjoy looking through them!

Hana, Kay, and I!!

Stood in the back for good quality dancing room!

Aww, look who it is, guys!! David Archuleta!!!

"Somethin' bout your beautiful faaaaaaaace.."

"I'm lovin' angels instead..."

Archie put on a good show. :)

But now the stage is set for the main act...

Curtain fell, and McFly appeared.
Here's Danny Jones for the starter.

Blurry Harry Judd.

Danny Jones nailing that chord, OH YEAH.

Oh hey, it's Tom Fletcher. :D :D :D

The shots of the whole stage came out the best. :)

Danny Jones is legenddddd.

Tom Tom Tom..

Sing it, Tommm!

The award for Best Picture goes to.. DANNY JONES ^^^

This picture wasn't nominated, haha..

The light shines on Tom.. Alien!

It was really fun seeing McFly once more before going back home. Gotta love em!

More pics later. Got a special batch coming up. :)

Dougie Lee.

This wasn't meant to be a post, but I figured, might as well add text to it
(in reality I can't remember how to delete)
Can't believe I only have one picture of him, eh.

So this post is dedicated to Dougie Lee Poynter, the bassist of McFly
Also the baby of McFly.
He is funny, and very cheeky
And downright awesome.
Yay Dougie!

Light shines on Dougie Poynter