Saturday, November 8, 2008


Deserved a post of its own.

Last Sunday night, I heard a crash just outside my room. It was this. The tiles just fell on their own. [We think it's because the building is just old.]

I reported it to maintenance and they asked if I wanted a security guard to check it out. I really wanted to ask him "WHY?" because it seriously happened on its own.. unless he thought it would be cool to catch and arrest a poltergeist, or something.

03/11 -- The View!!!

I give you the best pictures I could scravage from my camera. Why am I making up words?

I started at the bus stop at Langstone Student Village. I remember taking this pic thinking how creepy it would be if it was actually haunted. I didn't realize until right now that there's a person's shadow right there. x.x IT REALLY IS A PERSON, I PROMISE, IT'S NOT A GHOST.

Helloooo big pic of Brintha and I. She came to the gig even though she had never heard about them at all! Bless. :)

We were both posing like this in the middle of the standing room. x.x I didn't like how I looked and she didn't like how she looked.. we ended up taking 10 pictures before giving up.. lol.

Not saying much about them. The first song was fast and full of energy. The second song was also fast and full of energy. So was the third one. Do you see where I'm going? Guy's voice was eh. Like a Arctic Monkeys knockoff or something. They had no personality whatsoever. It got boring really fast.


Tried to do one of those "aerial view of how many people there are in the room while I'm in the picture too" shots. Obviously, it failed. And, it really was a sold out show, promise!

Then a brawl happened between a couple and a group of guys. But the band came out and were blatantly oblivious. And did their thing. The crowd went crazy. The middle crowd was jumping all over the place. Screaming crowdsurfers reached the front. Security guards stood bored at the front, waiting for the next surfer to fly and then get on with it. Okay enough of me talking, here are some pics.

I was smack dab in front of this handsome man. This is [bassplayer].

This is [frontman]. Not handsome, but cute in a boyish sort of way.

Loved how [frontman] had his beer on the side, while [bassist] had orange juice on the side. HAHAHAHA.

I want to say that this guy in the leather jacket is [lead guitarist]. He had all the cool solos.

Picture of [keyboardist] because I felt bad for never taking one of him. lol.

I think that's [bassist]'s blue electric guitar. THAT THING WAS GORGEOUS. I should note now that during some songs [frontman] & [bassist] switched roles. I would never catch that while listening to the album, sometimes they both have the same singing voice?

[drummer]. He just came out like that. Seriously. I was seriously like.. oh this is strange..

I really like this picture. :)

EEEE yes he was this close to me.

Awww he's so cute..

Somewhat of the 'whole band' pic.

La la la la, yeah. The gig was really cool. Though it was my fault for being a fan of them for a long time, and then not knowing the lyrics to most of their songs apart from "Same Jeans". Thus, with their Scottish accents they were hard to sing along to. XD

London 25&26/10 Part 3 -- LAST BATCH.

I felt posh.

Does it look like the front of Gringotts Bank? That's because it is. They filmed Harry Potter in this bank. IN THIS BANK.

Looks fairytale like. It's London Bridge!

Sliced Onions.

I'm jealous of this seagull. Look at him, just sitting there, floating. Chilling on the River Thames like it's no problem.

More of London Bridge.

Through London Bridge.

BELFAST. Oh and that weird looking building is the most controversial building. Ever. [don't ask me why because i forgot].

It's blurry but I just wanted to show it. SHERLOCK HOLMES.


I wandered around Embankment Gardens because I had so much time to kill. But I was also exhausted by then, afternoon-ish. But it was peaceful there.

The original Queen Mary!

Wanted to fit London Eye with Big Ben, haha.

Whenever I see a squirrel, I always mutter "To catch a squirrel" to myself...

There is no explanation of this statue AND I WISH THERE WAS.

You don't need a watch in a city like London-- just look up and the clock is on a building.

For the London Bombings.

A tree, a tree! A special tree..

To think, at at least one point in her life, the Queen stood in the same place I did, to admire this tree. AWESOME.

On this bridge. Forgot what it was called..


High class napkin.

High class appetizer.


High class pasta.

Posh apple tart. Whee.

A couple hours later, on a whim I decided to visit Wembley Stadium. Such a terrible pic, I didn't know how to work the camera for night shots. But OH MY GOSH THIS IS WEMBLEY STADIUM.

Will be back here for McFly. fdlkhagldksajflhglskjafjslkj

Bakewell tarts are well good. And baked well...

On the road to Kensington Palace..

Debutante's Balls happened here. It happened every year, and girls coming of age lined up for it. Wow history is amazing.

Yeah, it did rain.

The movie with Hugh Grant. That's all.

Where we had our pub lunch. :)

CP: "Get it get it get it get it get it." Julia: "... I guess I'll get it." Fish and chips = really good. That was a fun lunch.

I parted ways with everyone and had to ride the tube again.

And that's that. Went back to the still-life portrait that is Portsmouth. But here are pics that people from Oxford took. They were great to me, and I'm really glad I met them. They, as well as our amazing hosts John and Val Halsey, made my first London trip a little more special.